Video: Jesus Lies Under the Rubble

On December 23, 2023, Dr. Rev. Munther Isaac of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Bethelem, Palestine delivered a powerful sermon, now referred to as ‘Jesus Lies Under the Rubble’. He has kindly given us permission to make use of his words and we’ve done that today in hopes of sending a message to the world: We all need to speak out together to end the genocide.

Please share this video far and wide. Let us know about its impact in your community.

We would like to extend our deep gratitude to Rev. Ralph W Howe and the Beloved Community of Brattleboro, Vermont for use of their space, equipment and piano. This video features Dan DeWalt playing piano and Vidhi Salla reading. It was filmed, recorded and mixed by Joel Eisenkramer, Root Cellar Sound, with video editing by Michael Hanish. Additional footage was used courtesy of Yusuf elMbayed, North Gaza.

We originally called for submissions to add voices to the piece, but only ended up using them in the last section; thank you to all who submitted recordings to be used in this video.

For additional queries related to the video, contact Dan DeWalt at –